The Difference Between the Crunch and the Sit-up

Sit-ups vs Crunches : The crunch exercises only the abdominal muscles, while the full sit-up involves both the abdominals and other stabilizing muscles – in the chest, neck and low-back as well as hip flexors and lower-leg muscles (if you hook your feet)

How to do a Proper Sit-up

SECONDARY TARGET: Lower Abs and Obliques

  1. Lie flat on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your legs secured under a piece of heavy furniture (I am assuming that you are doing this routine at home).
  2. Place your hands by your chest.
  3. Flexing your abdominals, raise your torso until you are in nearly a sitting position.
  4. Retaining tension on the abs, lower your torso to the beginning position. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth).

How to do a Proper Crunches


SECONDARY TARGET: Lower Abs and Obliques

  1. Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs in front of you bent at the knees.
  2. Place your hands by your chest.
  3. At this time, raise your shoulders and torso as far as possible from the ground in a curling movement without raising your back from the floor.
  4. Retaining tension on the abs, bring your torso to the starting position. (Note: Maintain full control throughout the movement. Avoid the temptation to rock back and forth).

Related Post:  Abs Workout Routine

 Reverse Crunch


PRIMARY TARGET: Upper and Lower Abs

  1. Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.
  2. Place your hands at your sides by the floor for support.
  3. Slowly bend your legs at the knees bringing them towards your chest.
  4. Once the knees are by your chest, raise your shoulders and torso as far as possible from the ground in a curling movement without raising your back from the floor.
  5. Return your legs to the starting position and bring your torso back to the floor.

Exercise Routine for Crunches and Sit-ups

Two to four sets of 10 to 25 repetitions (no less than twice weekly) for both exercises is sufficient to strengthen muscles.



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